Turning corners…

My labor pains are becoming more intense. The devil is playing tricks on me, from inside my own head. People were sent to distract me from the ultimate goal. I keep coming across these faces and images that make me extremely angry. I keep thinking about things I can’t change. The past invades my dreams. Life seems harder than it really is.
I keep asking God to have his way with me, all day every day. I don’t know how to make it stop. I just know I’m better than this. The only why I can come up with is because I’m close to a breakthrough. I can’t miss it. I have to stay alert. Vigilant. Clear on the end game. I’m in the zone. I’m in the zone.
My logo is coming together. My show is doing what I set out to do. Poems just fly out of my head. Paragraphs keep flowing into this book. The people don’t matter. The past doesn’t matter. The future is mine to mold. I got this. I got this. I’m incredible. And I’m on task.
From the Mind of:
Tonya D. Floyd
Have you been counted?