Signature Moves–Birthday Edition

This Friday, August 23 will mark 43 years of life for me, so I thought it would be appropriate to do a show celebrating life. Special guest confirmed will be my brother Greg, who recently suffered a stroke and is slowly but surely getting back to 100%. He changed his eating habits, and so did I. He’s down several pounds, I’m down a few. Bottom line is we’re still here and we live to fight another day.
Join us on the air for a lively discussion about some of my favorite things and other topics pressing this week. So far I’ve covered man code, what’s sexy, what’s not, the total woman, my journey as a writer and the dream deferred, overcoming disappointment and failure, Murphy’s Law, characters from my two novels, cheaters, my love for men, and encouragement for young women. If you missed any of that, never fear; all episodes are backed up to my web page on the Signature Moves tab. I hear it’s a great show with even better information, in real terms. A few folks have even thrown the P word around, and I blush a little when I hear it–“I’m proud of you.” That means more than you know because I thought nobody was listening. Thank you! Now I have a reason to hit that on air button every week.
The information is here. To listen live Fridays at 8pm, use the Spreaker link below. Click Tracks for the latest shows. Download for better playback options. Be counted. This is going somewhere, for sure.
From the Mind of:
Tonya D. Floyd
Have you been counted?