That is all.

20131125_191411It’s funny, some of my folks called and told me what they thought of my introvert speech the other day. LOL but they still don’t wanna hear it! So today I will stir the pot and make another announcement. You know why I post, like, share, take selfies and communicate so much on social media? It’s not for new readers I want to buy my books. They would go to my website ( or visit one of my business pages. I maintain a social media presence because I feel folks might start to look for me, or CALL or text asking if I’m ok or to get the inside scoop on some stuff they heard about me.

Truth is I hate small talk, dislike random phone calls with gossip, despise information gathering folks on the outside and refuse to speculate on anything, ever. I don’t care why anybody did anything they did if it’s not my issue. But I love RESULTS. I love researching MY issues, helping others to solve real problems, and people who help me achieve RESULTS. I distrust people who call or text me about each individual child, key individuals and such. Asking means you’re not in THAT circle with me or you would know because I would’ve called and told you in these exact words: “I need help,” or “I need perspective,” or “I need a sanity check,” or “Guess who did….”

I love some of you, and when I think about you, you’ll know when I text you and say something brief like, “Yo …! That is all.” I don’t ask people how’s ANYBODY, because that’s what the gatherers say when seeking drama. It’s not that I don’t care. It’s that you are entitled to share only what you choose to, without feeling uncomfortable. I have my own language. And whenever I have something to share, after I’ve processed it myself, I do just that. You’ll read all about it soon enough. But if you’re one of my people, you know that already. And you respond accordingly. Smooches!

From the Mind of:
Tonya D. Floyd
Twitter: @signaturemoves
Instagram: @makesignaturemoves