Can’t dodge em all.

The truth of the matter is at some points in your life, you will be taken advantage of, used, manipulated, overlooked, undervalued, cheated on, lied to, ridiculed, persecuted. You can’t always stay ahead of those who wish to harm you, and you’re not supposed to.

Life will not be perfect on this side no matter how smart or dedicated or honest you strive to be. Fact. But you can offset some of the pain and disappointment by searching out small joys, appreciating people who clearly care, cultivating the best things you have to offer, and drawing close to God.

Yesterday it occurred to me that I spent the last year and some change catching up, making my home suitable for us by making it efficient, beautiful, inviting, and everything we need. I have an office space, studio space, living space, and the people I’m responsible for all right here. As long as I can provide food, I see no real reason to go anywhere to tell the truth. But I realized now I can isolate myself from every fear and disappointment that people bring by avoiding them altogether.

Yeah, my hermit status can become a bigger problem. I have to say it doesn’t bother me at all, but it would be a problem logically speaking. I know, I gotta let people in to learn something, get something new, and grow. But it scares me. So I’m working on me, drawing close to God, managing the stresses I can handle, and leaving the rest to Jehovah.

People are just awful. I have to learn to deal with them without getting hurt. Or learn to forgive them and still come outside. I do a little something by giving back to the community through writing and radio. Just trying to be a voice for those who feel like me. But is the big, bad world listening? I don’t know. Still gotta do my work though. Work in progress…

From the Mind of:

Tonya D. Floyd

Truth, perspective, and ridiculousness.