Keep your light on.

I woke up from a dream where I was explaining to someone why I loved a guy he just couldn’t see me with. Reminded me why I have in real life. Short answer is I saw his light. He had a beautiful, glowing light that warmed my heart. I imagine that inside each of us is this little beacon of light that attracts the right people into our space and keeps them there. You know what I mean. You’ve had someone who others couldn’t stomach, but you felt so strongly, you defended that person and your relationship with everything you had in you because it was right for you at the time.

I think it’s the light. I saw it so clearly this morning. But then what happens is after being hurt repeatedly and seeing disappointment after disappointment, we tend to dim or douse our light and put it on punishment for letting people in that close, for allowing us to be taken into places inside ourselves that scare us to death, that we can’t control–emotional places that have us forming attachments we would never allow our minds to take us into….

We blame the light for inviting the person who hurt us the most, for making us feel to the depths of our being, for showing us that love is the most glorious of experiences, and the flip side is as ugly and hollow as love is grand and encompassing.

Well, you’re partially right. Some of them came at your invitation, because of your own thinking and plotting. But if the light brought them, it was supposed to. They came because it was part of your fulfillment, education, learning, growing process. To be the best version of you, your God-given light drew your complement into your space and it was up to you to keep it on by staying connected to your Energy Source. When things change and the light needs replacing, ask.

Does that mean you should never have had light? No. It simply means there was a disruption, a disturbance in the force. Get it fixed, or get a new light fixture altogether, but go to the Source of Light so it comes back shining as bright and warm and beautiful as it should. There’s no reason to shut it down, ever. Let your light shine as a representation of who you are, and whose you are. It will draw those who are meant for you, those who will aid in making your journey enjoyable. It was all so clear in my dream.

From the Mind of:

Tonya D. Floyd

Have you been counted?