I prayed that I could help.

Have you ever allowed someone to stay in your life too long because you just knew they would eventually grow up or figure things out, and you had to be there when the light bulb finally went off? Like you put in countless moments of your life and you needed to be around to see the fruits of your labor rather than watch from a distance while they shared your results with someone else? Did they ever get it?

Strange enough, I think they usually get it after you’ve resigned and moved on. Which would mean that part of their development is directly related to your absence, their feelings about it, and the loss of a crutch. Yeah, you didn’t want to miss it, but you delayed it by staying. So now I ask what was your real motive behind the work you put in? Was it glory you sought, or did you invest in that person for their own benefit?

In essence, we should just give of ourselves, sharing our gifts because we are grateful for them, and because those receiving them can benefit, thus rewarding us fully whether we witness their transformation or not. They may not even undergo a transformation, but trust that the seed was planted and the One nurturing that seed has it under control. Well done.

From the Mind of: Tonya D. Floyd

I really am too much. Catch me on Signature Moves.

