Jaguar Baby!

I recently had a sort of discussion with a guy who was trying to get with me. Afterward I had a few laughs with myself because of something he said. He complained the work was too hard–you know, what I want in a relationship. I only got as far as dates, jokes, personal time and attention (just us two), trips, jewelry, and other gifts when he asked where I would find it. I wasn’t even done, but I didn’t understand the question, cause that’s what I’m accustomed to–for starters. Anyway, he got me to thinking about the rest of the list. I mean, some of what I want is definitely gonna be case-specific because every man has his own style, limitations, strengths, income and interests, but these are basic needs.

So this morning it came to mind again, and I laughed at myself cause I envisioned my promotional ad campaign. Follow me now see. I’m along the lines of a luxury ride. I prefer Jaguar to Cougar, cause there’s clearly a difference in class and status. So here I have this plush, sexy, special limited edition ride with all the bells and whistles, easily for dress-up occasions or more casual ones, that will automatically command attention, and make you feel powerful. At first glance, the price is kinda high, and the maintenance seems a bit much, but then you look at the amenities closer–satellite? I can plug into sports with my ride? Navigation too? She comes with incentives? You mean I can get gifts and prizes with this baby? And she has money in the glove box? Jaguar gon pay my note if I lose my job? Nah, for real? And you realize that it has a nice service contract too. With regular oil changes, tune-ups, fuel, and detailing, this could very well be a dream ride to die for. And why wouldn’t you want to do all that to keep your special limited edition luxury ride purring and in tip top shape? Everybody knows you gotta take care of your ride to keep her running right. Imagine how many miles you can get with a well-maintenanced ride. They go like forever, and this one comes with anti-theft devices, but you gotta pay those regularly. Don’t wanna get behind on those payments playa.

Yeah, so like I was saying, bammas who don’t know what they’re getting glance and get sticker shock. They may ask for a test drive and get all emotional when they have to leave it in the showroom. But some can afford it; the serious ones at least do the math first to see what they can come up with. Every now and then, one will dig a little deeper because he sees the trade-off and understands the true value of what’s before him. That’s the guy who gets the keys and wears the big smile. That’s a Jaguar man. Cougar guy gets a nice sporty ride, but he knows right off that it’s more for recreation than long-term luxury and status. And that’s no joke.

From the Mind of:
Tonya D. Floyd,
And you know this, man!