Life, Career, Passion!

I woke up early this morning to Donnie Simpson’s status about his two-year anniversary off the radio. It was a real eye-opener. He talked about the joys of his former position, bringing new music to the airwaves, and exposing his listeners to all types of music because of his love for music. He talked about the freedom to choose and do, and it struck a chord with me because he contrasted his last year on the radio with the rest of his six decades, describing the agony of doing what others tried to direct, control, and suppress. It changed everything, so he left. He went on to say that he probably wouldn’t return because it doesn’t appear to be fun anymore.

Wow! I can totally relate! I can apply for 17 jobs a week, and may even get an interview or three, but I’m just not interested in just being, or just doing, or being directed to do anything somebody else’s way. Their bottom line isn’t mine, and their goals don’t increase my happiness in life. All I see lately is the powers that be trying to take from me and mine anyway. I see you shaking your head, because there will always be somebody in charge, giving orders or directives. But eventually, that person will be me.

Passion, people! It’s what made Tyler Perry, Steve Harvey, Oprah, Donnie, and lots of other successful people get out of their former situations and into their current ones. Think about the starving artist who leaves work and waits in line to audition for American Idol, and the actor who lives on crumbs but goes to read for part after part. Some of us have that thing. The thing that screams during the night while we should be sleeping, the thing that talks all during the day when we should be doing someone else’s work, the thing that allows us to create beauty from everyday things like sound, color, texture, or words. We have passion, and it feeds on life. Everything everywhere is an inspiration from which we extract creative flow and produce beauty. It’s that serious.

So when you read my thought for the day and delete it because it sounds like whining, remember what I said–it’s all food, for my passion, my creative process, and it will end up a part of some beautiful thing in the end. When you glance over my words and think “There she goes, lunchin.” Or “Floyd, shut up and do the dumb stuff they ask; at least you have a job.” Or when you say to me, “Tonya, I don’t read books,” know that there will come a time when I’m sitting on camera remembering you and your non-support. And when I cross my legs and smile my broadest, brightest smile, know that I’m laughing at you and your mediocre life, your gray hairs from stress, your pocket full of medication for cholesterol, HBP and other job-induced killers cause you thought that job was the only way to go. Hey, I’m still a work in progress. And I’m only being real.

If I can publish one book, I can publish them all. Eventually somebody besides you and I will know my name. So I’ll keep cranking them out every few months. I have absolutely nothing to lose, but everything I dream of to gain. Carry on….

From the Mind of:
Tonya D. Floyd
My dreams, my passion, my future, my terms.