I Live in the Margin.

I’m late today because some folks got in the way, but I wanted to talk about being different. I wrote this really important letter, and I talked to somebody yesterday, but in both places the word marginalized stuck out. I live in the margin. I have become so used to being in the minority everywhere I go, no matter what the group, I embrace it now. I guess I even look for ways to stand out as sort of a celebration of who I am–an exceptional individual with artistic vision. It’s way better than 20/20!

It’s my calling. My purpose. My reason for writing. Life has taught me that only a privileged few get to be here, make their mark and leave something for the world to benefit from. To call themselves artists–art is true, pure, emotional, deep, spiritual. Not everyone can see, hear, grasp what an artist puts out there, because it’s like a language. We don’t all get the same ones. Therefore, when I write, dress, or speak, it’s different from what the majority can comprehend. I hear music when I do everything I do, and it drives me. Today is a Jay Z day–all day I’ve been playing Magna Carta Holy Grail in my head because it’s fire!

The metaphors, the messages, meaning, and the music…out of this world. I feel like he was talking to me. He was telling me to take bigger risks, listen more carefully to the universe, and take flight because I’m built to do just that. What I want to do with my show…it’s time. What I want to do with my writing…it’s working. What I want out of life…it’s upon me. I can taste it. I’m ready.

I talked to a young lady when I arrived at work; I said things are about to change. I feel it. It might just be a high from Picasso Baby where Jay helped me visualize the progression from small goals to incredible dreams–maybe.

I doubt it though. I am so high on hope, even the pettiness here at work can’t touch me. I’ve transcended menial tasks and monotony. I feel fulfillment on my fingertips. I can’t even explain it. It just feels so…. I love it living over here in this margin. The view is breathtaking. The sound is magnificent. I can’t even explain it, except to say “I just want a Picasso in my casa, no my castle….” Nah, I can’t explain it. Never mind. LOL

From the Mind of:

Tonya D. Floyd

Have you been counted?
