Nothing beats a failure but a try!

My friend Antonia used to tell me that all the time when we were in school. Don’t know if she realizes how it stuck with me. Well it did indeed. Everything you’ve ever done was once something you had never done before, so there’s no excuse for why you haven’t at least begun researching your next move. I had never laid a floor or removed carpet or stained stair treads or installed them or repaired a leak or changed light fixtures or designed a room or reinvented things or repurposed things to make them beautiful by my standards. I had never written for radio, controlled a sound board, or directed an entire live show before either …, but now I can add that kind of stuff to my life resume as things I love to do. And I’m good at it! See, the more you do the new stuff, the better you become at doing it.

Whatever you want to do, whatever just makes you slightly curious, do what I do––never met a search engine better. Let the list of hits make you look deeply into the subject and make you act on what you’ve learned. I promise it will be great. The accomplishment you will feel from taking the first steps will propel you to take more steps, then before you know it, you’ll be an expert at something new. Maybe even a new job. Dare to do something different today. Just try. It could be what changes your life. I can see me now on satellite radio when I’m not on my design show giving budget-friendly advice to new project dreamers. I got life skills y’all! Love it.

From the Mind of:
Tonya D. Floyd
Have you been counted?