
So I had these headaches. And these chest pains. And this pain beneath my shoulder blade when I inhaled. By the time the last one hit me, I was sure they were trying to kill me. By “they” I mean my children, their fathers, and total strangers who mailed erroneous charges and other threatening communications to my home seeking money they ain’t getting. I hereby delegate all nonsense and issues of a serious nature alike to those who have ownership over those issues.

It’s funny how life piles things on when your resistance is low. Work of the devil. Not getting me that way buddy. I give less than a damn about most stuff these days because I peeped the game and stepped back from it. He can go back to using me against me, cause outside is not getting in. This dude won’t act right, that’s fine. We good. This dude wants to act like Gabriel Aubry, that’s fine. We good. Kid wants to fail or act out, that’s fine. They don’t like me. Don’t talk to me. I can’t with them.

Let me explain something to each of you. I have lost people who meant a lot to me to STRESS. But it looked like high blood pressure, heart disease, and rushing to get somewhere cause he was late. Screw that with a capital F. Somebody out there right now reading this is chasing behind somebody, avoiding somebody, arguing with somebody, ignoring somebody, using restraint so as not to hurt somebody, or using some other mechanism designed to eliminate some form of stress, but it ain’t working. Because the stress is not going away any time soon.

You’re praying for relief and all that. But it’s not working. Because you’re asking for help to change YOU when YOU ain’t the problem. I think we get confused like God has to do everything, when we are granted the power to do some of it for ourselves, and we’re just not listening, or using common sense. If you have food allergies and that food is in front of you, do you pray for it to be removed, or do you just move it, or move yourself? Right. You see a road block, do you pray for it to be removed, or do you go around it? Do you pray to be a better, kinder person to get rid of those kinds of issues? No. Treat bammas who cause you stress like they make your ass itch, or like they’re in the way, and you’re already on the road to healing.

Something dumb comes in the mail, put it to the side until you can write a letter or complain online, then proceed to do something that matters, that will enhance your quality of life. Do that before the deadline. Next.

My girlfriend always wants me to go outside, mingle and stuff. I will, and I do, when the right people, mood and energy are present. Pass on that aggravation just to be present crap. I do not like anyone enough to be where I am not blissfully happy, and ain’t no food good enough to make me change my mind. I surely don’t love anyone more than I love me, so moot point on that. Not doing it. They ain’t killing me. I’m good. Miss me with that. Holla. “She don’t care.” Probably not. I want to live.

From the Mind of:
Tonya D. Floyd, Author/Host