Commit today. Change your circumstances.

It was September 2008 when I made the decision, and asked Jehovah to change my circumstances. I had only toyed with the idea before because I didn’t think it was possible–I didn’t have any money. The IRS was garnishing my wages and taking my tax return for a few years because of some stuff that happened when I was married. Plus my faith was a little shaky from all the divorce-related proceedings. So much was happening against my will, I was defeated. But my cousin Vernisa and I were on the way to Dallas that weekend. I would feel better because I was tired of feeling bad.

I needed a car. Went to my cousin because I knew he understood. I told him what I wanted and in what color. Didn’t seem like it would work out, but he told me he would let me know the next day how things looked. I figured by the time I came from Dallas I could begin again with new circumstances. I wanted that real bad. Yes, I would clear my head while I was away, put the past behind me.

He called the next day and said “I got it done. Got you that Escalade with the DVD player.” EJ picked that one; I had asked for something simpler. I signed the papers later the next evening. Still not pleased with my circumstances, I decided to fix my credit, because a friend said with all I was paying in my apartment, surely I could buy a house for a little more. The tax benefits alone would be a good incentive. What? I doubt it. That was October 2008. Divorce hearing was at the end of the month. Anxiety and other stuff surrounded me.

But fixing my credit was on the agenda, so I started pulling credit reports every month, making settlements where I could, planning, monitoring. February 2009 came around and I still wasn’t divorced because of a technicality, but I knew by then that I had to buy a house because Kyle was coming. And with my tax refund (the first in 9 years), I paid the remaining balances off. Clean slate. Walked into my realtor’s office, and walked out with a pre-approval letter on the way to look at homes that same day.

In April 2009, that house fell through. Back to the drawing board, with a good friend in tow, then I found it. Six months pregnant, I wasn’t feeling it but I knew he knew, so I made the offer. Finally, after waiting, and no word, and riding by asking God if this was the one for me, and the baby was born, I got my answer in August. Then money drama, promises broken, and saved by a friend, I settled August 31, 2009.

It’s been an incredible, tough, stressful, doubtful at times, informational ride, but my circumstances have changed. Now as I look into the next set of challenges as a single mother, I remember that process and know that it will be more than all right because it always is. I decided to start changing my circumstances today. I asked for Jehovah’s blessing, so we’ll see what happens in my next chapter….

From the Mind of Tonya D. Floyd
Have you been counted?