
I spoke with someone today who needed a reminder to find her inner strength, release her power, and reclaim her joy. She just forgot, that’s all. But I’m reminding you too. If you feel less than exceptional, beautiful, or powerful for three or more days in a row, it’s time for a change or three. Color, wardrobe, environment, furniture, hair, nails, shoes, linens, skin care, fragrance, or SOMETHING needs to change like now. For real, paint, or buy yourself something, or trade one meal for yogurt and fruit. I started the 30-day squat challenge on Friday and it feels pretty good. I need to be swimsuit ready next month. Not playing around!
After you touch up your outer surroundings, you need to turn that internal scope on and figure out which parts of your personality or spiritual core need adjustment, and start working on those. Read, meditate, pray on all that you find, and do daily exercises to strengthen your core so that your energy matches what you’re fixing. When you believe you’re beautiful inside and out, you just ooze good energy, and the people around you benefit from it too. Be the sunshine somebody never knew they needed. Be the example they’ve been seeking. Glow from the inside out.
The only thing more satisfying in this world (from where I stand) than knowing I’m a beacon of light and a source of good energy for people I just breeze by is knowing I pleased God well. I’m doing the work He created me to do. Dig deep. Stay up, and peace be with you.

From the Mind of:

Tonya D. Floyd, Author
“The Sun Hasn’t Set”
 In Production Now!!!