My Dear Beautiful Girl,…

If it’s not exactly obvious from the subject, I am writing a letter to my younger self this week on Signature Moves. Actually, I’m hoping it will be just as useful to other young women at that tender age of twenty-something, and maybe even younger, who find themselves at a crossroads. It’s the time where major decisions are made, courses are plotted, and choices begin to stick–this is where we do things that we end up living with the rest of our lives.

This is the time when we think we know everything, and are old enough to do anything we choose, but are blinded by youth and ignorance. Hindsight tells me it’s the time we need the most guidance, in a wise, non-judgmental, but firm manner so that we understand the counselor is looking out for our best interest. It’s when we begin to see the world’s harsh lessons and find darkness where we never knew it could exist. Reality takes on a new meaning as consequences are revealed. Sex is more than just forbidden fruit. Responsibility resembles a cold, wet blanket. The future seems so very far away, and so very unimportant compared to right now. The past is just beginning, because we’re making it as we go.

Yeah, based on my firm belief that there is Nothing New Under the Sun, I have some sage advice and encouragement for young Tonya D. Shields and other young women listening. This won’t be your average conversation, but then how could it be? Consider the source. There’s nothing average about me. Tune in Friday at 8pm.

From the Mind of:
Tonya D. Floyd
Have you been counted?

(pic was taken circa 1998)