Bestseller bound!


I challenge you to go to Amazon ( right now, today, and buy any Tonya D. Floyd Kindle book for under $5 and get as many people as you can think of to do the same. Not just because you know me, but because I’m good at everything I do, and I asked you to, and out of guilt.

I figured something out over the last several months. I’ve been following these successful people, watching for the interesting, enlightening things they would say to help me on my own journey, waiting for them to drop a hint of the secret they all know that I don’t. I’ve been listening intently, watching closely, following even closer, but what I realized was…they’re not all that interesting or enlightening; I’m way more interesting than any of them–and my website looks better, and my grammar is better, and I keep coming up with ideas I design and implement BY MYSELF. Hell, I taught myself how to manipulate html code cause I don’t have a webmaster.

I ain’t lying! They’re just people who know people, and who were in the right place at the right time. There is no secret to the bestseller list, no writing recipe, no thing I’m missing. They don’t even have to be good! Somebody just has to latch on and pull other people onto the boat, and that’s how you start a book-selling chain reaction.  I gotta tell you I’m a little pissed after all these years to find that it comes back to me needing to make it at home or leave town completely to be taken seriously at my craft, but that’s it.

It’s about numbers, then somebody notices you. I do take comfort in this one piece though; the more I accomplish, the more I realize that successful people do not have the time or energy to pull somebody else up and polish them off to present them to the world–you already gotta be doing something they can add to, and benefit from. Well, if you’re not related to them or screwing them, that is. They’d just have somebody work with you if you were. Watch the Shark Tank on Friday nights. You’ll see.

It’s about timing, contacts, exposure, and support from your audience. The ones who love what you do will bring you attention, just like recommending a movie you saw, or a CD you bought, or a restaurant, or a company just starting out. Recommend me. I insist. C’mon man, you really can’t spare $5 to start a chain reaction though? And I know you bought On the Run tickets! Bey and Jay are doing all right. It’s Tonya who needs the push. I’m just saying, tell everybody to buy it, then follow up asking what they thought, and make them discuss it with you like you do Scandal, and Game of Thrones, and the Fifty Shades trilogy I couldn’t get through 10 pages of…. Unless you’re a hater. Then I completely understand.

From the Mind of:
Tonya D. Floyd
The Signature Movement is upon us!
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