Just do the work!

Hey my people! I woke up today knowing I’m supposed to be doing something–as in I haven’t been doing jack for real. I write a little bit here and there, crank out a storyline and put it down cause it’s too deep and my head starts hurting. Then I get mixed up in the details and stuff, and that perfectionist thing takes over. But today I know I have work to do. Timing really is everything.

I read a poem on Facebook that inspired me to write something. I scanned my friends list and it inspired me to write something. I talked to a guy who wants to collaborate, and he told me he had severe headaches. Right away I told him to write the dark stuff he doesn’t want to write cause it’s not something you would share. It wants to get out, just don’t share it. Duh Floyd. You do the same.

Yes, I too am stifled by the thoughts no one should ever know I have because they’re so disturbing or mean or erotic or will be misunderstood or whatever. But I’m an artist! It’s my job to recreate, manipulate, transform, to choreograph a beautiful dance of words that changes what is perceived into what I envision it to be. I can do this. It’s what I was born to do.

Did I forget? No, but I have neglected my gift because of poor sales, lack of resources, and a tumble into mediocrity. Pass. Every time I see another fashion photo, shoe ad, fly purse, or jewelry promo, I remember–girl that should be yours! And I need mine tailor made to tell my fashion story properly :-). One thing I read this week that woke me up said “I have great taste; I just don’t have the budget to prove it.” I need to be on this grind, for real. I love nice things…

Anyway, I decided that positive energy is like a muscle that has to be exercised daily, regularly, like a heart muscle for maximum health and quality of life. I sprinkled some butterfly wing dust on some folks already today, and I’m sending the rest out to you now. Some of you have a double dose, so do something progressive today.

Oh yeah, have you read any good books lately? Besides the obvious,  I recommend Do the Work, by Stephen Pressman. Changed my whole way of thinking about the work I am to do. So much work to do, no time for mediocrity. Just gotta do the work.

From the Mind of: Tonya D. Floyd

I like it better on top. 😉
