What’s in that Cupcake?!

That artful Signature Sweets cupcake/dessert you’re thoroughly enjoying was made with flour, eggs, sugar, butter, vanilla (which price is rising by the day) and a few other major building blocks, including labor, time, skill and care. Oh I’ve heard all the gasps and groans about the price of a cupcake these days, but it needs to be said that quality is worth it.

Take for instance the average chocolate cupcake. It’s very likely that someone simply reached out for a box/bag of ready-made devil’s food dry ingredients, dumped them into a bowl with some wet ingredients and proceeded to bake you an average chocolate cake. We refuse. We want this to be a memorable, nostalgic, loving and giving experience which is the foundation of any good, strong relationship. Okay, that was dramatic, but still true. This really is a bonding experience we’re going for, so we build every single dessert item using fresh ingredients and a bit of ingenuity, for your dessert pleasure.

Let’s go back a bit. Signature Sweets LLC was founded on the premise that everything I do, anything I produce, whatever the undertaking, I will do it so well I’m proud to affix my signature to it. So I think and experiment, and I’ve even resorted to using the scientific method in my baking. I mean I started with one carrot cake recipe I learned over 30 years ago, hypothesized over how to alter it, replicate it in different forms, what leavening agents to use, how to make the flavors pop, etc. I tried new things, tested, failed, succeeded and ultimately I have a collection of wonderful recipes I’m proud to present with the Signature Sweets label and thus my signature.

When you take your first bite of a Signature Sweets dessert, you’ll meet all the characters who came to perform for you. See, I believe sugar can be a distraction. Put enough of that stuff in a dessert and people will believe it’s good, just because it’s sweet. Kids will crush it for that very reason. But what does it taste like though? Chocolate, you say? Oh yes, pleased to meet you. There’s a deep, dark chocolate dance going on in there, with little accents like cinnamon to boost that flavor above average. You want lemon? You’ll get lemon, promptly and prominently.

Ahhh, apple spice. Someone selected, washed, peeled, diced and spiced those firm, fresh apples perfectly for you, then baked them inside a handcrafted spiced cupcake batter, before topping it with a rich and silky caramel cream cheese frosting. Don’t even get me started on the Signature Snickerdoodle cake. You gotta be there to understand. And no, I did not stick a cookie in or under a cake. I do, however, make my own cookie dough cheesecake crust.

Let’s talk about cake pops. They’re so cute! Except you have to bake the cake–nice and moist, chill, change that into a different consistency, chill, form the balls, chill, insert sticks, chill, melt the chocolate, add the color, dip, chill, decorate and individually wrap them. It took me an hour just to type all that. And you think they should cost less than $1 each….

Speaking of novelty items, did you know that cinnamon rolls, dinner rolls, donuts, biscuits and such have to proof in a warm, moist environment before they’re baked? Yeah, that’s where they get their height, and that godly texture that hides all the butter. Bread products generally get mixed, kneaded, rise, and off to the oven they go to bake, like an hour later. And guess who’s been in the kitchen with them that whole time? How much is that time, sweat and butter loveliness worth to you?

Oh you’re vegan? Gluten-free? Allergic? Not a problem, mostly. It just takes a special grocery shopping list, the know-how and the will to do things differently is all. Have it your way, by all means. If you want a gluten-free, vegan, dairy-free cupcake/pizza, you should have one. I mean, I love a challenge. So how much is that worth to you?

Listen, I love baking, almost as much as I love watching customers as they enjoy my baked goods. It’s rather satisfying to see a cynic bite into greatness, knowing fully in advance that nothing special is about to happen, only to end up with eyes closed, mouth full, calling on the Lord, or moaning something like mmm mmm mmm…. I live for moments like that. Because now we’re in a relationship, and you love me. You’ll think about me sometimes against your will. Then you’ll call, and you’ll want to see me soon. Hey, I’m worth it. And I’m always here for you love. Talk to you soon. Smooches!

From the mind of:
Tonya D. Floyd