
I’ve been thinking a lot about purpose since I listened to Steve Harvey the other morning. He was talking to Jaheim, and I happened to turn to that station just as he was explaining that you have to pray for your direction and go where you’re needed. That touched me, and today I thought about purpose. I often think about my own, and how hard my walk is, trying to be a good example for my kids, obeying the Word, finding people of like mind, and so on. I concluded that part of my purpose is to attract specific types of people by being me.

I was watching Smallville this morning and John Jones told Clark that he would bring folks together like an ambassador because that was his purpose for being here. Then I started writing this. You know how I don’t like people, but I seem to draw these odd types who are funny and unique and smart and have all these ideas and stuff who I would never let go of. They help me feel more normal by a standard no other group could claim. Okay, that could be confusing but basically I believe each of us draws the types of people we’re supposed to so they can know that they too are welcome to feel God’s love.

Whatever it is about you or me that attracts our people, when they see us study, grow, pray, change, exercising faith, being positive, helping others, or whatever godly things we do, it says that maybe they can too. What if they felt they weren’t worthy, or couldn’t possibly do right cause of inner desires or past shortcomings or whatever? Then they meet you–a single mother, divorcee, former addict, ex-inmate, or whatever could bring them shame, and they start to feel less objectionable, more normal, more like they can overcome….

I’m just saying, whatever your flaws, your past, your struggle, be yourself, do your best to please God, and whether you’re trying to or not, you’ll be a shining light to somebody. You were designed in a fear-inspiring way.

From the Mind of:

Tonya D. Floyd, Author

“The Sun Hasn’t Set”

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