He Moves in My Life!

   Greetings and salutations! LOL, that’s the endorphins talking. I’ve almost completed my squat challenge, and I see results. I feel them too, when I walk, stand, sit, drive, or anything else. Man, today is my day to do 220 squats; I did 120 this morning. The rest I’ll breeze through later, plus I added some ab exercises cause that’s what I need–soft is just not cool this summer. Look at the chart and join me.
   Anyway, I had been looking for something that wouldn’t send me to the gym with strangers, a room full of women, or outside the house for real. This was it. I get to fix what I see as broken on my own time, to my specifications by adding moves I used to do with Billy Blanks to the challenge. Notice how each day you add a few more and it progresses without defeating you. I love this. Wish I had it long ago. I consider this a blessing right on time.
   Along with that, for those of you who haven’t purchased or read The Sun Hasn’t Set, the storyline begins with my main character Charlie Warner following a passion to help women through an internet radio program. She advertised in the salon, solicited topic ideas, found contributors and put key ladies on the air to talk about real issues we face as women. That caught on in a big way and evolved into something way bigger, way more lucrative.
   The week I published and released the book, before anybody had a copy of it, I met with an old friend about being interviewed on his radio show about my writing. During that conversation, he put out some suggestions for how he saw my show could develop. What? My show? Like the one I just wrote in this book you haven’t read yet? Coincidence? Not a chance! He went into great detail and as he spoke, I knew. It’s my time. My turn. Plan B is in full effect. That was last Thursday. I was on the air Saturday doing the interview. This Saturday, I did my first broadcast of Signature Moves, a show featuring my work, my ideas, my personality, and my dream. It felt right. I can’t wait to turn it way up! 
   I enjoy putting the show together, being myself, and working with this team. I needed this. You can listen to this past week’s show about man code, and all my broadcasts as they arise by going to: www.spreaker.com/user/massovradio and look for Signature Moves. The interview is under DMV experience. Look every week because I need the views to help with this advertising/sponsor pitch we have coming. You can listen live every Saturday too if you follow us there. I’m trying to nail down a good time, so I’ll let you know when I know. 
   Share it, email it, blast it. Grow my audience with me. And send me some topics you want to come and discuss with me! Sit in my chair, let’s laugh and talk, and sip or something. What do you need the people to know? Bring it. Do I have any reality junkies here? I’m working on a segment called In Reality where we do a recap of that drama. I’d like a couple of folks so one person doesn’t feel compelled to watch every minute of every reality show. This show is all about our stuff, what we do and feel and watch and read. It’s happening now…I feel it and it feels right. Grateful I am.
From the Mind of:
Tonya D. Floyd, Author
“The Sun Hasn’t Set”
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