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What’s in it for me? That’s the question you should be asking yourself every time you make any kind of expenditure–of time,
For mind, body, home & business.
What’s in it for me? That’s the question you should be asking yourself every time you make any kind of expenditure–of time,
“The cobbler’s children have no shoes.” I imagine this is one result of a relationship based on expectation. This one is also
That artful Signature Sweets cupcake/dessert you’re thoroughly enjoying was made with flour, eggs, sugar, butter, vanilla (which price is rising by the
Hey everybody! Wow, it’s been a minute. What have you been up to? What have you accomplished in the last year? Pick
We’re all the same, you know. Crafted from clay–fragile, a little rough to the touch. Some pots may get a porcelain coating,
You know how some people say they’re not ready for love, or maybe instead of pursuing a relationship with someone they really
Excerpt From The Signature Movement, by Tonya D. Floyd: Single Mama Saga Part 2 Marginalized, pushed to the side, afterthought, forgotten often;
I do love you. But it’ll never work out between us. Don’t get me wrong; I have my own flaws. I mean,
Why won’t he marry you? I could be nice and say it’s because he’s not ready, or he’s getting himself together to
Mama bear. Somebody said it the other day in conversation regarding mothers and protecting their young. Then today I had a conversation,