Lost Boys

What in the hell has happened to all the grown men?! What’s my motivation? Yes, I’m gonna be doing some cussin, and
For mind, body, home & business.
What in the hell has happened to all the grown men?! What’s my motivation? Yes, I’m gonna be doing some cussin, and
How come whenever you say you’re a realist, people automatically deem you cynical, pessimistic? My guess is they’re hopeless optimists who hate
So here’s what happened: I wanted a good scrub, that smelled good, while leaving my skin extra soft and glistening. I also
Mercy. Grace. Undeserved kindness. Love. Forgiveness. Peace. These are some of the best gifts I’ve ever received, and as such, they’ve allowed
Today’s thought comes with an excerpt from one of my novels. I chose this piece because of the letter on the Steve
So happy spring break is like over. I can’t with these people at this age. I need my moments to recharge and
Someone once said pain and pleasure are the ultimate motivators. Well, you know me–let’s go deeper. Behind pleasure and pain, or maybe
I woke up from a dream where I was explaining to someone why I loved a guy he just couldn’t see me
In this weekend edition, I need to talk about sex. Yeah, I was working on a storyline in my sequel when some
Okay, who’s not busy? Well, I know some people, but I’m talking about my own stuff right now. I woke up with a