With You or Against You?

The word for today is INTENTIONAL. If I am to reach ANY goal, I must be intentional about identifying and pursuing said goal. It means minimizing distractions, fueling my passion, choosing to focus on what will get me to the goal on time. I also need to be honest with myself about whether I actually do want it, when, and how badly.

Every day I scroll through my social media in search of inspiration, ideas and other people’s wins to fuel me for that day. Sure, I have my own motivation, but some days are tougher than others, there’s strength in numbers, and iron sharpens iron, so watching people win is motivating for me. I love to see people winning. It makes me feel like my blessing is in the neighborhood too.

Every day I examine parts of my business products and services to see where I can be more efficient, reach prospective clients, appreciate current clients, increase revenue and be present for my home and family obligations. I’m intentional about all of the above. Anybody who cares about me should be supportive of that, right? It’s not mandatory, though, because this is MY goal.

So if I entertain people who neither support me nor patronize my business, who never make a referral of any kind, who poke fun at what I do or how I do it, who discourage potential clients from hiring me, or who seek to distract me with inane conversation and other foolishness, what am I doing? Sabotaging myself, wasting resources (time and energy), thereby stalling my potential progress toward my goal, all while investing in those who clearly don’t have my best interest at heart. They know what I’m trying to do because all I care about, think about, research about, post about, talk about is what I’m trying to do–meet my goals.

If your people don’t provide fuel or support toward you reaching your goal(s), and they distract you from making progress, you need new people. They’re intentional about not supporting you. It’s rarely about the money; there are many free ways to support, yet they do none of it. A lot of times, it’s about whether they believe that you can do what you say; other times, it’s simple jealousy–who are you to be daring, to be great, to want more? You don’t have to love them less or be mad, but it is what it is. Let me ask you: do you still want it?

It will get lonely, but if you do what my Mary Kay Director used to say and “keep the main thing the main thing,” you won’t have much time to wallow in that. You’ll be busy, intentionally pursuing your goals. In your quest to secure the bag, you’ll probably find like-minded persons along the way to help keep you motivated, AND you’ll get paid. Winning.

I mean, you already knew you couldn’t take everybody with you. It just burns because you thought they were your people, and you’ll never understand why these particular people choose to go this route. Let it be. Just consider this part of the process, and count it all joy. You generally don’t start shedding associates until you’re well on your way somewhere nice. Enjoy the ride, take in the new scenery, and find your people. Onward….

From the Mind of Tonya D Floyd